09 January 2015


Ezekiel drinking a delicious, chocolate milkshake
Oh man!  Time has just flown by way too fast.  Zeke is already going to be two in May!  He is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  Amber and I were just talking last night, and we do not know where we would be without my little Zekey.  The crazy part is that my life would be totally different; completely and utterly different.  This thought makes me very sad, because I probably would not be happy without Zeke.  He put a flame in me to become a better person, have a better life, and do better, because I want the best for him.  I want to be great for him and do the best I can with my life to better his.  I have a push to do the things that I was scared to do.  For instance, I took a year off of college and honestly I don't know if I would have gone back.

In 2012, I had no idea what I wanted to do or where I wanted to go in life.  In 2013, my son was born and I had to get my butt moving in the right direction.  I quit my job at Arby's and did taxes until April, Zeke was born, and then I started school in the fall.  I worked, saved money, got donations from family members and friends, and supplied Zeke with what I could.  He is a healthy, bouncing toddler now.  All thanks to those that were willing to help me along this road.

I want to say a huge thanks to all of my family, including but not limited to: MELISSA JOVAAG (my mom), JEFFREY JOVAAG (my dad), CHRISTINE SULLIVAN (my aunt), JENNIFER MECHTEL (my aunt), PHYLLIS HANSON (my maternal grandma), and LINDA JOVAAG (my paternal grandma).  Each of you have helped me by giving me items for Zeke (or finding ways for me to get these items) and/or watching Zeke so I can go to school or work (or so that I could have a little fun).  I would also like to thank the friends that have been there during this crazy ride: AMBER DALY (my best friend) and JESS SPENCER (my best friend).

If I tried to list all the people that I am thankful for, this blog post would never end.  It would literally take over this entire blog.  To anyone I missed, or feel like they should have been listed, keep in mind that this list is not a way of calling out anyone because they were not there.  I understand that relationships fade in and out.  People could be there one day and be busy the next.  That is perfectly okay with me.

I love all of you and am thankful for every single thing that anyone has ever done for Zeke and me!

"My number one goal is to love, support and be there for my son."

Kjerstin L.

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