01 March 2013

April 26 2013 (February 2013)

February 2013:

28 weeks. Officially in my third trimester! I just keep gaining weight lol(: It seems like it is never going to stop, but you know what? That means this little guy is gaining weight too. This means that he is getting the nutrition that he needs to grow.

Glucose testing! Gosh was I worried. My aunt had gestational diabetes when she was pregnant with all her kids, so that meant that there was a higher chance of me having it. Essentially, glucose testing is a test for diabetes, but some women only get diabetic when they are pregnant. Weird, huh? That's what "gestational diabetes" is, it just means that while you are pregnant, you have diabetes lol

I'm sure most of you have no idea what glucose testing is, so let me fill you in on the process:
I show up at the hospital with an empty stomach.
My doctor draws my blood before the test.
I drink the "glucose drink":
After an hour, my doctor draws my blood again.
After all of these steps, my doctor will test my blood sugar to see if my body is able to convert the sugar correctly.  And.... I passed! No gestational diabetes for this girl!

My appointments from this point on are every 2 weeks, whereas before they were every month. Definitely getting to know my doctor and nurse a bit better! They are awesome! They both have been extremely helpful and understanding through everything.

Also, I set up maternity pictures!! I'm so excited! The lady who is doing them takes really awesome pictures, so I'm excited to do them :)

More to come....

With love,
Kjerstin L.

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