01 March 2016

New Year, New Me? series: Wisdom

With age comes wisdom. Supposedly.

I would not necessarily say that I have gained wisdom this last year, but I would definitely say that I have matured quite a bit. Going from an engaged woman to a single mother over night was a lot of insanity, but it taught me something: things can change unexpectedly without any of your say in it.  I'm not saying that the break up was completely his fault or that I did not want it to happen, but at the time, I did not expect that decision to come from the both of us. I won't get in to too many details, not exactly into oversharing online, but I will share with you some of the most important things I learned in this last year:


Wait. What? Yes, you read that right. If you don't know the acronym, it means: I don't give a f*ck. Let me explain. When I say this, it does not mean that I suddenly don't care about my life or well-being. I actually care more about my own well-being than I ever have in my entire life. This is where this attitude comes in:
IDGAF if my house, car, or room is a little messy.
IDGAF if I'm not able to get everything done that I wanted to that day.
IDGAF if someone wants to yell at me on the phone (at work).
I'm sure I could go on and on. I have worried about every detail for way too long, and I need to stop. Stressing out over stupid things is not worth my time. I'd much rather spend my time giving a f*ck about other matters that deserve my attention more.


Once again, those that do not know what this acronym stands for, it means: I give a f*ck:
IGAF about my mental, physical, and emotional health.
IGAF about my relationships with friends and family members.
IGAF about my son's overall well-being.
Once again I could go on about the things or people that I do care about. This is the energy that is well spent. Energy used to maintain and grow relationships is way more important to me than wasted energy on things that aren't worth my time.

We only have so long on this earth, why waste it on things that aren't important to us?

Kjerstin L.

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